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The Role of Temperature in ATR Capacitor Failure Mechanisms

The Role of Temperature in ATR Capacitor Failure Mechanisms

Temperature Cycling and Its Impact

Temperature cycling, or the repeated exposure of a component to extreme temperature variations, is a common cause of failure in electronic components, including ATR capacitors. The constant expansion and contraction of materials due to temperature changes can lead to fatigue, cracking, and ultimately, failure.

Specific Failure Mechanisms

  • Electrolyte Dry-Out: Repeated temperature cycles can cause the electrolyte in an ATR capacitor to dry out. This can lead to increased ESR, reduced capacitance, and eventually, complete failure.

  • Internal Short Circuits: Temperature variations can cause internal components within the capacitor to shift or become damaged, leading to short circuits.

  • Dielectric Breakdown: Extreme temperature fluctuations can weaken the dielectric material, making it more susceptible to breakdown.

  • Lead Fatigue: Repeated thermal expansion and contraction can cause the capacitor leads to fatigue and fracture.

Mitigating the Effects of Temperature Cycling

To minimize the impact of temperature cycling on ATR capacitors, several strategies can be employed:

  • Thermal Management: Proper thermal management techniques, such as using heat sinks or forced air cooling, can help to reduce temperature fluctuations.

  • Derating: Operating capacitors at a lower voltage or current than their rated specifications can help to extend their lifespan.

  • Temperature-Resistant Capacitors: Selecting capacitors specifically designed for harsh environments with wide temperature ranges can improve reliability.

  • Design Considerations: Careful circuit design can help to minimize the thermal stress on capacitors. For example, avoiding high-current paths and using efficient power supplies can reduce heat generation.


Temperature cycling is a significant factor in the failure of ATR capacitors. By understanding the mechanisms involved and implementing appropriate mitigation strategies, designers can improve the reliability and lifespan of their electronic systems.