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Component knowledge

The Manufacturing Process of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

The Manufacturing Process of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

Aluminum electrolytic capacitors (AECs) are essential components in various electronic devices, providing high capacitance values in a compact package. The manufacturing process of AECs involves several key steps, each of which plays a crucial role in determining the final performance and reliability of the capacitor.

1. Aluminum Foil Preparation

  • Purification: High-purity aluminum foil is used to ensure the quality of the capacitor. The foil is purified to remove impurities that can affect the electrical properties of the capacitor.

  • Etching: The aluminum foil is etched to create a rough surface, which increases the surface area for the formation of the dielectric layer.

2. Dielectric Formation

  • Electrolytic Oxidation: The etched aluminum foil is subjected to an electrolytic process, where it serves as the anode in an electrolytic cell. A suitable electrolyte, such as boric acid or ammonium borate, is used.

  • Oxide Layer Formation: During the electrolytic process, a thin, porous oxide layer forms on the surface of the aluminum foil. This oxide layer acts as the dielectric in the capacitor.

  • Thickness Control: The thickness of the oxide layer is carefully controlled to achieve the desired capacitance value.

3. Electrolyte Impregnation

  • Porous Structure: The porous oxide layer is filled with an electrolyte, which can be a liquid or a paste. The electrolyte serves as the cathode in the capacitor.

  • Impregnation Process: The electrolyte is impregnated into the pores of the oxide layer using various techniques, such as vacuum impregnation or pressure impregnation.

4. Sealing

  • Hermetic Seal: The capacitor is sealed to prevent the electrolyte from leaking and to protect the internal components from moisture and other environmental factors.

  • Sealing Methods: Various sealing methods can be used, including crimping, welding, or using epoxy resin.

5. Terminal Attachment

  • Lead Attachment: Leads are attached to the aluminum foils to provide electrical connections. The leads can be made of aluminum, copper, or other suitable materials.

  • Lead Forming: The leads are formed into the desired shape, such as axial or radial leads.

6. Quality Control

  • Testing: The capacitors undergo rigorous testing to ensure that they meet the specified electrical and mechanical characteristics.

  • Parameter Testing: Tests may include capacitance measurement, leakage current measurement, ESR measurement, and voltage rating testing.

7. Packaging

  • Individual Packaging: The capacitors are individually packaged to protect them during transportation and storage.

  • Bulk Packaging: For large quantities, capacitors may be packaged in bulk containers.

The manufacturing process of aluminum electrolytic capacitors is a complex and precise process that requires careful control of various parameters. Advances in manufacturing technology have enabled the production of AECs with higher capacitance values, lower ESR, and improved reliability.